"Oh Brittny, I just can't wait to get to the beach!" cried Joanne, "The temperature is perfect. Our bathing suits are perfect. And I can tell that it's gonna be a perfect day!"
Brittny rolled her eyes playfully while looking at her. Joanne had so much enthusiasm and optimism. What a contrast to my outlook on life, she thought. Brittny tended to look at everything in life with suspicion; if it looked too good to be true, it probably was. A perfect day, huh? It's probably gonna rain, or we'll get stuck next to some smelly fat guys or something. She looked at Joanne again, who was grinning from ear to ear, and some of her cynicism started to melt away. Joanne was a very good influence on her, Brittny thought. Just being with her made her whole outlook begin to change for the better.
"Well," Brittny finally admitted, "It does look like a nice day. Maybe it'll turn out to be a fun time after all." She couldn't help but smile.