Good Fiction Stories

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Stories Tagged with Asian Whore


by Javahead

I hate wearing business suits. Dressing for an evening out is fun; you can show some flair if you want. But business suits are supposed to be boring. Hell, that's the point. You want to look conservative, trustworthy, conventional, inoffensive - in a word, bland. Don't want to scare off a potential customer, after all. And they're usually uncomfortable, too.

You can also get tired of strange hotel rooms. This one wasn't too bad. It had a king sized bed; the bathroom was actually pretty nice. It even had a minibar that I had already stocked with my own ice and soda. But it was still a hotel room: standard fittings, easy to clean up, interchangeable with hundreds of others across the country. After a while on the road, the walls can start closing in on you.

So what was I doing wearing a business suit, sitting in a hotel room and staring at the walls? Feeling pretty lonely and bored, that's what. At least I'd be checking out tomorrow.

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